NCTD: Transit Studies Engagement


The integration of transit and land use to better meet travel demand and reduce greenhouse gas emissions is the goal of the three NCTD studies that our team has supported. That integration requires studies, planning, and collaboration. Our role through three contracts was focused on that collaboration and consideration of input via a technical working group; and stakeholders from educational institutions, organizations that serve low-income community members, business organizations, and the transit and non-transit riding public. 

Engagement services included those for the Land Use and Transit Integration Study, the Strategic Multimodal Improvement Plan and the Breeze Bus Speed and Reliability Study. All studies started with the development or update of a stakeholder involvement plan that identifies the best way to engage participants in the planning process. For these projects, we utilized a range of techniques for both in-person and online public engagement from pop-up meetings at the local Tamale Festival
or transit station to online surveys and meetings. We also provided logistics and facilitation support for technical working groups involved in plan development.


  • Communications and Engagement Plan

  • Collaterals: Fact Sheets, Project Web Page and Social Media Posts

  • Technical Working Group Facilitation

  • Pop-Ups at Transit Stations

  • Online Engagement: Webinars, Virtual Meetings and Surveys


North County Transit District
IBI Group / WSP


San Diego County, California

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